IPN Global Invites School Leaders

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IPN Voyage

Dear Esteemed School leader

Greetings from International Principals' Network (IPN Global), a leading knowledge Network of School leaders from across the world.
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the IPN Global team, to cordially invite you to the “IPN Voyage – Leading Schools to the New Normal”, the very first Global Virtual Confluence of School Leaders organised under the aegis of IPN India as our Esteemed Global Delegate for the Conclave dated 27th & 28th June, 2020. It would be our pleasure to have you with us at the conclave.

Founder & Moderator
Gaurava Yadav
IPN Global | IPN India

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Esteemed Global Leaders joining IPN Voyage

Backdrop of IPN Voyage

Over 1.6 billion kids are not at school since January, 2020. The numbers are unprecedented, the implications enormous. As the COVID-19 pandemic has spread across the globe, a majority of countries have announced the temporary closure of schools, impacting more than 91 percent of students worldwide – around 1.6 billion children and young people.

Never before have so many children been out of school at the same time, disrupting learning and upending lives, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised.

IPN Community has been working closely with school leaders across Indian sub-continent since past four years, now going forward globally with school leaders from across the world through its partners by providing them with seamless knowledge exchange, data and learning resources through its platform covering more than 30 countries now.

And, it is quite evident that Online/Virtual education will be the new normal. However, there are a lot of questions which remain unanswered, for which IPN Voyage intends to take the school leader on this journey/voyage to new normal together.

Therefore, we are planning a "Global Virtual Confluence of School Leaders - IPN Voyage" on the 27th & 28th of June 2020 with more than ten thousand school leaders being a part of the confluence and we would be honoured to have you with us as our Esteemed Global Delegate to the conclave.

We believe that things would turn out to be better from what it is presently, leading us from the uncertain times to the path of certainty.